Across and Connected

When I was twenty one, I traveled to New Orleans for the first time. In fact, it was my first trip anywhere on my own. I guess you could say I lived a sheltered life until that point.

But, I had also lived a life within books and I like to think my travels had been verified in unique ways because of that.

I've always enjoyed immersing myself in the ideas of the great close-up magicians of the past and, in some ways, connecting with them--privately.

And this interplay enlivened me to get up and get out. To perform and step on the road. To seek.

So, in 1998 I took a trek to New Orleans for the SAM convention. This opened up a new age for me. The age of connectivity to other like minded cardmen and magicians. To enthusiastic beginners, contemporaries, and masters.

These kinds of connections are what make me continue to create and share. I feel I'm able to change things, perhaps in small way, maybe bigger ways.

This connection is about to grow with Audience First:

Please, take some time to read and watch this.

Let's get connected.



PS If you wish to get on my mailing list, please go here and recieve a FREE PDF and start the connection:

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