What is OUTPUT? . . . OUTPUT OUTPUT is a book series of primarily card magic with a focus on classic and off-beat effects and methods. This is Steve’s outlet for his ongoing OUTPUT of unique magic, with contributions from his magic friends. There is always a heavy dose of Marlo, with a focus on Ed’s unpublished work. Steve brings his extensive knowledge to the task and so OUTPUT often features a deep-dive history from the 1950’s-1990’s, connecting the dots to the Marlo library.
23 pages - 10 x 7 Perfect Binding - Full Color Photos
No-Spin Color Changing Deck (Reynolds)
The four Aces are produced from a BLUE deck as you demonstrate some mythical card-cheating skills. Finally, the deck is shown to be marked--the backs have changed to RED.
Again, Hofzinser Spins (Matthew Martin)
You discover three Aces with a few flourish cuts. The fourth Ace is found by changing the deck from RED to BLUE. You use the RED Aces and the BLUE deck in a Hofzinser Ace routine.
Playing Heavy Shows (Osborn/Reynold)
Two false displays. One shows a Full House and the other a Five of a King. These are used in the Streamlined Poker Palm Shift in Output 2.
Olram File—Lost Hull Method #3 (Marlo)
An isolated prediction changes into a previously signed selection. This is a sneak peek of the upcoming The Olram File book.
Barebones: Center Glide (Marlo)
This is a description of Marlo's Center Glide used in his Lost Hull Method #3.
Streamlined Invisible Bottom Deal (Marlo)
You demonstrate the Invisible Bottom Deal. This is based on Marlo's own Invisible Bottom Deal published in The Cardician (1953) and part of previously unpublished notes from the 1980's.