Output 24 is an update of my 2014 booklet, In-Vestment.
Techniques and tactics for those who wear a vest or waistcoat. Single and Multiple Add Ons, Unloads, Packet Switches, Half-Stack Switch, and Deck Switching.
This material was developed under practical conditions and used to vanish packets in close-up and stand-up conditions. No gimmicked clothing.
It includes what I think is the ONLY way to get set for the Birthday Card Trick.
Rest Position
Packet Positions
Horizontal Loading
Single/Multiple Loads
Alternative Single Load
Half-Deck Loading
Horizontal Steal
Friction Steal
Anytime Birthday Card Trick
Stealing cards: Palm Positions
Gambler’s Cop
Classic Palm
Vertical Loading
Vertical Steal
Adjusting Packets
Combination Switches: Packet/Deck