In this issue of Output:
Prediction Sandwich--Using the second handling of Open Hockley from The Hierophant, Marlo creates a direct and surprising effect, which is implied in the title--A Prediction Sandwich.
Grand Total Prediction--is the last item in a series, started in Output 23, with Marlo's Triple and Quadruple. Prediction. While the previous effects used a special switching notepad (which is easily made at home), this Grans Total prediction--previously unpublished--uses two ungimmicked slips of paper and a small setup to create a direct and amazing multiple prediction effect.
On Marlo's Mexican Solitaire--This is my streamlined method for performing Marlo's Mexican Solitaire, from Ibidem 8, without any calculations or counting. This features two memory stunts that set you up for some progressive poker deal. This is another semi-automatic stunner geared for a captive audience. The word "Solitaire" isn't in the title for nothing! This method, however, frees you up to add entertaining patter.
Another Fantastic Move--If you have The Last Hierophant, then you are familiar with Marlo's One Fantastic Move. This streamlined method gets you another layer of, "Wow!" As in the original, the red Kings and black Kings change places on the top/bottom and middle of the deck along with the Ace of Spades turning from face up to face down, trapped between the transposing Kings! That is one fantastic move. But, a previously selected card also jumps from the deck to the pocket only to change places with Ace of Spades trapped between the Kings.
Zoom Transpo--This is a fast transposition between a card on the table and one in the deck. A King is placed face down on the table and Ace in the center of the deck. In a blink of an eye, the cards change places. This uses a little know version of Marlo's Anchored Add-On from Kevin Kelly.
Two-Shuffles Oschmann--This is Ed Oschmann's version of a Peter Duffie handling off...the title says it all! Ed has brought the shuffles back to the routine and created a streamlined version, using a subtle strategy from Marlo.