What is OUTPUT? . . . OUTPUT is a monthly book of primarily card magic with a focus on classic and off-beat effects and methods. This is Steve’s outlet for his ongoing OUTPUT of unique magic, with contributions from his magic friends. There is always a heavy dose of Marlo, with a focus on Ed’s unpublished work. Steve brings his extensive knowledge to the task and so OUTPUT often features a deep-dive history from the 1950’s-1990’s, connecting the dots to the Marlo library.
26 pages - 10 x 7 Perfect Bounding - Full Color Photos
Push-Through Poker (Reynolds)
The deck is cut in half and one is placed to the side. The other is shuffled topsy-turvy. They are then cut and the Ace of Spades is found. You now perform a Poker Deal version of the Marlo-D'Amico Push-Through Failure. Then a spectator deals a round and wins with a Royal Flush…with a little help from the Ace of Spades you had cut to at the beginning.
What Makes the Devilish Miracle Devilish?
Discussion on the presentation of the effect.
For Devilish Miracle—1970 (Marlo)
This is a dive into the structure and technical background of the Devilish Miracle. You’ll learn the secrets of Marlo’s psychological twist.
Presentation and Patter—1948 (Marlo)
This is the version that Marlo taught along with his work in Control Systems (1952).
Loose Ends: Follow-Up Aces (Marlo)
This connects the dots between Marlo’s Streamline Invisible Bottom Deal and the missing Follow-Up Aces—an effect originally part of the Cardician Method - not possible with the update in Output 1. But, then I remembered that Marlo had an impromptu handling in the K.M. Move booklet...
For Devilish Miracle—Scans (Marlo)
These are scans of the original manila cards that Marlo wrote out his notes on the psychology of the Devilish Miracle.